Winter Outdoor Parties - Why?

Winter Outdoor Parties - Why?

Winter Outdoor Parties - Why?

Partying in the Bush is not for everyone, especially in winter! Going outdoors means losing the comfort and amenities of a house. Why in the world should you be willing to go to a dark, freezing, snowy place to party? For a few healthy reasons.

1- It is 2022, the time of a worldwide pandemic. We all know it’s not a wise idea to take part in large gatherings inside. The Great Outdoors are preferable: social distancing is easier, thus lesser chance to get infected. It’s also less of a necessity to wear a mask outside. Aren’t you tired of wearing those? Bush parties may not be 100 percent Covid proof, but they are safer!

2- Changing locations make parties more memorable, and in the end, more fun. Of course, you still need to prepare adequately and not forget essential equipment.

3- The Bush is a neutral place for everyone. Empathize about the responsibility of the people hosting the party. Let’s save chores and responsibilities to the hosts and choose a place everyone agrees with. It seems fairer that way. Also less likely to break valuables into someone’s house.

4- An outdoor party means less cleaning work at the end. The clean-up does not need to be as thorough as it would be in an individual’s home. Of course, don’t litter the place! Pick up your garbage and leave the place as clean as you found it. And don’t forget to extinguish the fire if it’s still burning. You don’t want to start a wildfire, even if it’s less likely to happen in winter. Outdoor partying still involves a good deal of social responsibility.

5-It’s a fun way to experience the natural world for many of us: kids, youth or adults. There may be minimal adversity. In winter you may feel cold, but you may barely feel it if you are having fun. And if it’s frigid? Then you will have more pleasure coming back home after the party.

 6- It’s important to go outside, in all seasons. Winter means more time inside for most people. Yet, go out to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. Ideally, sun rays would touch your skin at least for a few minutes every day. If you party at night, well, you may get to see a starry sky you would not have the chance to see from a living room.

7- You burn more calories outside than inside. Just moving around the campfire and fighting the winter cold increases your calorie-burning abilities. Does this mean you can eat more? We will let you judge that. Avoid drinking alcohol, unless you are not the one driving the car back home.


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